

This exhibit contextualizes newspapers digitized by the project Strengthening Digital Research at the University of the Philippines System: Digitization of Philippine Rare Newspapers and Magazines (1850-1945) and Training in DH”, funded by VLIRUOS and carried out at the University of Antwerp and the University of the Philippines between 2018 and 2022. 

Here, we aim to create narratives following topics across newspapers, which foreground how the history of the Philippines was told firsthand in the newspapers, and how they also reflect the rich textual culture of the country between 1865 and 1965. Exceptionally, this is done by collecting rare periodicals in three languages: English, Spanish, and Tagalog.

One of the narratives created corresponds to the findings of another project, a Global Minds project also funded by VLIRUOS and titled “Decolonizing media discourses in the Philippines: representations of Chinese and Muslim minorities” (2021-2022).

Most of the newspapers and journals included in this online exhibition are stored at https://repository.mainlib.upd.edu.ph/periodical.php . However, to complete the picture and provide more resources, we have included newspapers digitized at other online venues such as the Digital Library of the University of Santo Tomás in Manila, or the Digital library of Hemeroteca Municipal de Madrid. We have also included some Spanish newspapers in which prominent Filipino writers such as Graciano López Jaena authored articles. In those cases, the newspapers come from Hemeroteca Digital of the Spanish National Library.

Finally, there are also references to newspapers and journals digitized by Cristina Guillén Arnáiz and Rocío Ortuño at the library of the Real Colegio Seminario de los Padres agustinos de Valladolid (Spain), and at Hemeroteca Municipal de Madrid. Some of those periodicals are not yet available online. They were digitized thanks to a BOF Klein Project led by Rocío Ortuño at the University of Antwerp called Philippines at the crossroads: mapping the international presence in the Philippine literary field in Spanish between 1872 and 1945. In these cases, we have provided access to the whole digitized item in a Google drive folder. In some other cases, Rocío Ortuño and Cristina Guillén Arnáiz uploaded the newspapers that they scanned to the Portal of Philippine Literature in Spanish at the Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes.