Underscoring the HUK problem


Dublin Core


Underscoring the HUK problem




The Legioner was the official monthly organ of the Philippines Legion, a veteran association created by Manuel Roxas in 1948. Its contents were mainly military, which made it a very interesting source to understand the military conflicts of the period from a Filipino perspective. In all the issues held in the UPD collection the Huk insurgent appears as a very important topic. 

"Underscoring the HUK problem" was written for the issue of February 1948 by Alejo S. Santos, representative of the 2nd district of Bulacan, and it is interesting for the crude photos (courtesy of the Manila Chronicle) that it included. Santos, former CO of the Bulacan Military Area during the Ocuppation, defended that violence was not the best means to solve the problem. He also confirmed first-handedly that the Huk, one of the best anti-Japanese guerillas, never stayed away from the ways of peace or terrorized the people of Bulacan until Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas’ efforts to ameliorate farmers' conditions (and its electoral victory) were neglected by the Partido Liberal, whose measures were ineffective against landlord rule. In fact, the victims of the military actions were the poor barrio residents that only attended to destroy feudalism, which only fueled the conflict.


“Underscoring the HUK problem”, The Legioner, Vol. I, num. 9, February 1948, pp. 5, 21-22. In Open Access Repository @ UPD.


Kerkvliet, Benedict J. 2002. The Huk rebellion: A study of peasant revolt in the Philippines. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

Woods, Colleen. 2020. Freedom Incorporated: Anticommunism and Philippine Independence in the Age of Decolonization. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.


Alejo S. Santos


Item held at University of the Philippines Diliman and University of Antwerp VLIRUOS Rare Periodicals Open Access Repository


Emilio Vivó Capdevila




Alejo S. Santos, “Underscoring the HUK problem,” Philperiodicals, accessed May 20, 2024, https://philperiodicals-expo.uantwerpen.be/items/show/124.