¡La Guerra de Corea!

Dublin Core


¡La Guerra de Corea!




Semana de Manila was also linked to Spanish Francoist foreign propaganda, publishing many articles by Falangist intellectuals and defending Hispanism, anti-communism, and the lifting of any restrictions on Franco’s Spain, by then diplomatically isolated.

Rafael S. Ripoll, one of the directors of the Spanish-speaking journal
El Debate (1919 - ca. 1970) published an article on September 7, 1950, remembering the start of the Korean War on June 5. The article paid special attention to the decision-making process within the UN, highlighting the Russian collusion with the invasion and the belief that communists would now use both subversion and direct military action in his conquest of independent nations, menacing the Philippines, involved in the conflict with a contingent led by Mariano C. Azurin and a key player in the US global defense system. 

Typically for the Cold War period, the article finished hoping for a victory of freedom with the help of God and faith in the cause. Nevertheless, Ripoll mimicked the Francoist rhetoric of the alienation of the “reds”, making communists foreign enemies of the nation, dehumanizing them, and legitimizing their total destruction. Interestingly, for Ripoll these red hordes that invaded the Republic of Corea were as barbaric as the Japanese.


“¡La Guerra de Corea!”, Semana, Vol. IV, num. 90, September 7, 1950, pp.5-10, 36-37, 40-41. In Open Access Repository @ UPD.


Checa Godoy, Antonio (2015). "La prensa flipina en español entre dos guerras (1899-1941)", Revista internacional de Historia de la Comunicación 4 (I). pp. 22-51.

Fernández Pasión, Antonio (1998). "Remembranza de mis días en El Debate", Revista Filipina (summer 1998), volume II, num. 1. 

Sanz y Díaz, José (1950). "Revistas hispanoamericanas en 1949", Revista Nacional de Educación, num. 93, pp. 63-69.

Sevillano Calero, Francisco (2012). “La imagen del enemigo en la Guerra Civil española”, in Canal, Jordi, and Eduardo González Calleja, Guerras civiles: Una clave para entender la Europa de los siglos XIX y XX. Madrid: Casa de Velázquez, pp. 105-117.

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Rafael S. Ripoll


Item held at University of the Philippines Diliman and University of Antwerp VLIRUOS Rare Periodicals Open Access Repository


Emilio Vivó Capdevila




Rafael S. Ripoll, “¡La Guerra de Corea!,” Philperiodicals, accessed May 20, 2024, https://philperiodicals-expo.uantwerpen.be/items/show/125.